Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Pad

 This tidy comfortable room, is my apartment. Its got all one needs to live comfortably in Hong Kong, including a little hipster flavor with a "vintage" early 2000's television. On the left beyond the typical Asian divider, is a double sized bed with a great view of the wild outdoors. In the middle of the image is a microwave, clothes washer, a hot plate, and a sink. To the right you will find the bathroom and front door. 

View from the bed.

So maybe its not a great view of the wild outdoors...well that depends on how you look at it.

 Outside my window looking West. 
Outside my window looking East. 

So if you are ever looking for a quick get away, just hop on a plane, have 14 hours of your life pass by, get off the plane and say "yo whatup" to yours truly and stay for a bit. 


  1. Nice apartment! A bit spartan, but nothing wrong with that.

  2. Mike,

    Love your pics of Hong Kong. Was an amazing personal view of your experience. I'm so happy for you to take such a leap in expanding your career and love for adventure! I especially like the pic outside of your apartment window. Let me know if you see or visit any art or cultural institutions.

    Hugs to you, Uncle Markus

  3. Thanks Uncle Mark. I'm actually going to visit some museums this weekend so I'll take pictures when I can and post them with stories behind the images.
