Saturday, March 9, 2013


After purchasing a new lens, I figured I test it in an area of Hong Kong that I had not seen: Jordan.
The Scout Association of Hong Kong is located here, which not only hosts an impressive museum of Scouting history in Hong Kong, since Baden Powell founded it, but also is the Baden Powell International Hotel. 

 Quite an impressive lobby.

The Gold Lion award is the highest award a "Uniformed Adult Member" can receive, which may possibly be equivalent to the United States' Eagle Scout award. The Gold Dragon is the highest award a "Lay Member" can receive (the man whom I spoke with spoke little English so understanding the award system was difficult). 

Proof that Justin Bieber was actually a Boy Scout. 

An awesome rounded corner building. (3 merged images)

Flying Phoenix bicycles.

The butcher.

Bored pup. 

   Tired workers in Kowloon Park.

Spittin' image of my German grandfather "Opa" taking photos in a rose garden.

Nuff said...

Wan Chai Road.

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