Sunday, September 16, 2012

I'm gonna go hike a mountain. Brb.

Last weekend I took a picture of this mountain, Kai Kung Leng from below. I had been thinking about it all week, so I had to climb it, I took two friends with. Surprisingly the day was cool and relatively dry.

Carol wondering how the heck we're going to finish this hike in daylight. It was supposed to take 5 hours. We started at 4:00pm. The sun goes down at 6:30pm. Well...

Colin, owning this bitch.

~Urban Dictionary: 'Owning this bitch'
15 Dec 2004 - Means that you are superior to a group of others, in control, the boss, etc.~


Besides fishing, there truly is nothing more relaxing than walking down a mountain at night where the wind is slightly blowing and all one can hear is the sound of grasshoppers. During the day we were not able to see much wildlife besides dragon flies and swallows, but at night, its like a completely different HK. On the way down we encountered a bunch of toads, many geckos, one praying mantis (only the coolest insect on the planet) and one bamboo pit viper. I couldn't get a decent photo of the snake because it was very fast and I removed my venom kit from my pack before the hike, thinking I wouldn't need it, so I didn't want to risk getting bitten. 

Spent the whole day looking for a fishing shop. Due to the language barrier and my lack of smartphone, finding the shop took 4 hours just to find out it was closed. Ended up using what I had but no luck.

A boat. 

Here is the history of the tree that consumed the house from the previous week's post. 

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