Saturday, February 2, 2013

The New Year

Well done Hong Kong!!!

I'm not an advocate of animal cruelty but this is just something I could not pass up photographing. Everywhere I look, I see stuffed animals being dried in slightly barbaric ways.This one I'd say takes the cake.

The next images were taken on a hiking trip to Shing Mun Reservoir where I was able to walk and crawl through a WWII British trench system that was bombarded by the Japanese.

Non-native monkeys have taken over the reservoir and are slowly migrating where ever they choose. 


Western or English?

Evolution at its best.

A heavily mortared pillbox was the starting point to the trench system. The signs outside the structures may or may not have read: "Danger Desolate Trench Do Not Enter"

Within the tench system were informative signs stating what each room was used for.

Some portions of the system had been caved in.

Oxford Street


Very nice.

The hike ended at the Shing Mun Reservoir. 

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