Saturday, September 1, 2012

A Saturday

Went to Tai Po for a fishing pole and had to bring along my fidy mil. Here are some images of my day.
Started out the day on a ferry which costs $3.40HK ($0.44US) one way across Victoria Harbour. Rained on and off all day.

View of the HK Convention & Exhibition Centre from the ferry. 

Most shops that sell dried stuff (sea food, fungi, insects, roots, spices, anything that is dry-able) like to display their shark fins. This has got to be the biggest pair of unfortunate sharkfins I have ever seen!
I wandered around the Tai Po Food Market snapping off some shots. The market has 3 floors. 1st floor consists of fish and meat shops. 2nd floor consists of vegetable and clothes shops. The 3rd floor is a food court. Some images I had to refuse to put on this blog because some animals just don't deserve to be eaten.

Hard at work.

Again hard at work.

Its all about the green.

Ask Mike Rowe.
My day ended with 3 hours of fishless fishing. Pretty good day overall.

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