Sunday, August 19, 2012

Here are a bunch of photos from My Weekend.

MTR. Main mode of transportation from the Island to the Mainland. Whats guaranteed is that it is always busy.

Found an abandoned Kindergarten in Tai Wai.

 Tai Wo where I picked something aluminium up. You may guess...

Beautiful Sha Tin.

An abandoned something. Its rare to see anything abandoned besides a dog, a bike, or a child or two, but buildings are always occupied.

Hong Kong has the most beautiful birds; when they sing, they put wrens to shame.

This looks like typical government squatter hut replacement housing.

Chai Wan, the furthest east one can go on the MTR.

Yo Dave, this one's for you. (Keyword: Pagani) 

This sign has to be a punch to the United States of America's groin. Except for the flying kite bit. That said...who the %#$# puts a limitation onto being able to fly a kite.  

Just had to. 


  1. Dude, that place looks dope. I like ur pictures. I hope you're doing well at preventing buildings from sliding down hills and breaking or whatever it is you do. I also hope the food is good and the people rock. Maybe you could go to a rock concert and meet some Chinese hipsters or something--that would be cool. I dunno. Boston is cool. I'll try to come visit if I can.

  2. Thanks Ian. Yeah the food is great. Rice is the majority of the plate so it will keep you skinny though. I can't say I've seen too many hipsters here, but who knows who will show up at concerts. There's a 3.5ft long couch with your name on it, so come visit anytime!

  3. Thanks, I think I'll fit that perfectly!
