Sunday, August 12, 2012

This is my office

 So why am I in Hong Kong? I work for an engineering consulting company called Fugro and my particular branch deals with Natural Terrain Hazard Study (NTHS). So what does that mean? Keeping it short, I create maps of slopes that companies are interested in. I first look at past documents of a particular site, then I go out and walk the whole slope and map what is there today. I am looking for signs of landslide susceptibility. Most recently I have been assigned to head a project on one of the tallest mountains in Hong Kong.

There is a rock climber on the boulder for scale. Again, like the spider, these images do not do this mini-Mt. Everest justice. 

These working conditions are wonderful compared to previous projects, I only came across 1 massive spider. The average slope angle for this site is 40+ degrees with many cliff faces. Colin, my co-worker,enjoyed the 90+ degree and 99x10^24% humidity conditions

Irregardless of where you are, you are guaranteed beautiful views.

I'm well aware that "irregardless" is not an actual term.

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